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Gwyndaf goes all the way at Tenbury

Writer: NHCNHC

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

National Hereford Show report by the Hereford Cattle Society Show date: Saturday 6th August 2022

Normality resumed as the National Hereford Show returned after a Covid-induced hiatus to Tenbury Countryside Show this weekend.

Haven Silvester from G Davies

Sorting the line-ups was Romany Herefords’ Robert Wilson who had travelled south from Kelso and found his supreme champion in the form of Haven Silvester from Gwyndaf and Helen Davies of the Creuddyn herd, based in Templebar, Ceredigion. On what was the exhibitors’ Tenbury debut, the bull stood grand male and senior male champion with Steven O’Kane on the halter.

Bred by EL Lewis and son and purchased as a two year old, this April 2019-born bull is by a succession of National Hereford Show victors, being a son of Haven Lamborghini which stood senior male champion in the same ring three years ago which itself is by Haven Cavalier, another Tenbury champion. Its dam, Haven Thrush 64th, is also responsible for producing Haven Thrush 74th, the recent price record breaker which sold at 20,000gns. Robert described this bull as having ‘great scale and width’ while still moving well for an animal with ‘so much muscle and length’.

Pulham Pansy 26th from J and E Lake

The reserve supreme champion title went to Pulham Pansy 26th from James and Ellen Lake, Froxfield, Hampshire, another first-time exhibitor at this show, having already gained the grand female and intermediate female titles. Hereford Cattle Society members since 2019, Pansy was purchased from Philip and Laura Vincent from their Norfolk-based herd as a calf at-foot to its mother Clipston Pansy T3. Born in September 2020 and by Pulham Powerhouse it is due to calve for the first time in January to Pulham Va Va Voom, the Lakes’ stock bull. Pansy is a ‘great upstanding heifer’, commented Robert, ‘with femininity and power and a lot of potential for the future’.

Highhedges Diadem 9-21 from S Cowle

HighHedges Diadem 9-21 from Sarah Cowle, Quainton, Buckinghamshire secured the junior female championship before standing reserve grand female champion. By HighHedges Synergist, the 2019 National Hereford Show reserve supreme champion, it is out of a home-bred female, sired by Border Burlington J35.

Free Town Versatile from RA Bradstock and partners

Reserve grand male, intermediate male and exhibitor-bred champion was Free Town Versatile from RA Bradstock and partners, Tarrington, Herefordshire. Reserve grand male at the Royal Three Counties this year to its male champion stable mate, this November 2020-born bull is out of Free Town Penchant and is a son of Moyclare Quinlan, bred by Ireland’s Michael Molloy and jointly owned with Anthony Spooner.

Boycefield Wrangler from JW Lewis

James Lewis and family, Dilwyn, Herefordshire returned to exhibiting at Tenbury with Boycefield Wrangler, a 10 month old bull calf by Haven Stanely, and out of Boycefield Pinky 28th.

Pulham Wedding Crasher from PRJ and LR Vincent

Following Wrangler through from its class and into the reserve junior male champion position was Pulham Wedding Crasher from Philip and Laura Vincent, Pulham Market, Norfolk which is by Pulham Ranger, the 2017 National Hereford Show junior male champion since exported to Ireland to join the herds of JJ Farrell and Podraig McGrath. Another from the Pansy line, it is out of Pulham Pansy 15th, the 2020 National Hereford Club virtual show champion.

Penrhiwgoch BM Progress 483T from Messrs Griffiths

Also coming across from West Wales to Tenbury for the first time was Paul and Will Griffiths, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire who had previously not shown beyond the Welsh Winter Fair. Their April 2020-born Penrhiwgoch BM Progress 483T stood second to Haven Silvester in its class and reserve in the senior male championship. By Border Mortlake M8 which sired the 2019 champion and 2020 reserve champion steers at the Welsh Winter Fair, it is out of Penrhiwgoch Binks Dowager 130.

Haven Voltage from EL Lewis and son

Reserve to the intermediate champion was Haven Voltage from EL Lewis and son. September 2020-born, it is by Mawarra Aftershock which together with Messrs Spooner, EL Lewis and son own EU semen rights to. It is out of Haven Dowager 183rd, a daughter of Haven Kingpin, a bull enrolled to the Irish Hereford Breed Society’s breed improvement scheme.

Free Town Gift from RA Bradstock and partners

Free Town Gift from RA Bradstock and partners was selected as intermediate female champion. Its dam, Free Town Gigi, a daughter of Mara Humorous, was placed second in the 2021 virtual show and is another by Moyclare Quinlan.

Oldwest Carol Singer R1 from K Froud

Five year old Oldwest Carol Singer R1 from Karen Froud, Ely, Cambridgeshire was tapped out by Robert as senior female champion. By Oldwest Nightwork, a SNS Generator 28X grandson, it is out of Oldwest Carol Singer 1st, a daughter of Haven Wizard. A previous intermediate female champion at Tenbury, this female goes back to the Hermitage Carol Singer line.

Rockland Tiara T7 from CA and PC Bidmead

Taking the reserve spot in the senior female championship was Rockland Tiara T7 from Clive and Paula Bidmead, Rockland St Peter, Norfolk. By Dieulacresse Kingdom, it is out Clipston Tiara L19, both of which have many championships to their names.

Pulham Tiara 7th from PRJ and LR Vincent

Pulham Tiara 7th from Philip and Laura Vincent took the reserve female champion title. September 2021-born, it is by Shiloh-Farm Elite, which also sired the 20,000gns heifer record holder Haven Thrush 74th. The Vincents purchased the Irish-bred bull after judging it champion at County Longford Show.

HighHouse Voltage from JR Whitlow

Elsewhere in the classes, the March 2021 to August 2021 class was led by HighHouse Voltage from JR Whitlow, Abotts Morton, Worcestershire. By Drumatee Rocket, the 2021 virtual show male champion, it is out of Nanscient Gaylass 74th, a daughter of Hustyn Superior, both from the home of the Hawke family, Burlawn, Cornwall.

Beckhall Welton from B Vincent

The youngest bull class was won by Beckhall Welton from Beth Vincent, Pulham Market, Norfolk. Out of Pulham Tiara 3rd, it is another by Shiloh-Farm Elite, which Philip and Laura Vincent purchased after placing it champion at County Longford Show, Ireland.

Group of three from RA Bradstock and partners

In the group of three class, RA Bradstock and partners came out on top, while PRJ and LR Vincent won the pairs.

Winning pair from PRJ and LR Vincent

The young handlers competition was hotly contested for with good entries in all age groups. Nine year old Mia Shaw of Thornysure Herefords, Ilmington, Warwickshire took the overall champion title and can frequently be seen in these classes. Ollie Garnett-Smith of Classic Herefords near Swindon took the intermediate class while Pulham stock lady Hannah Murrell won the senior class.

Champion young handler, Mia Shaw



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